In this book he wrote descriptions not only of pulp cavities and root canals, but also regarding the practice of opening teeth to relieve abscesses and evacuate pus.

Nearly thirty years later, in 1729, Pierre Fauchard – known as the father of modern dentistry – wrote his book The Surgeon Dentist. 6 The use of sulfuric acid was actually practiced to some extent until the end of the nineteenth century. 6 The reality is that the sulfuric acid destroyed any remaining vital nerve tissue in the pulp, which is what most likely led to the reduction of pain. 6 In addition, he claimed that pain reduction was a result of killing the worms with the use of Oyl of Vitriol. 6 He incorrectly ascribed the pain to a result of the worm eating away at the tooth, rather than inflammatory action of the bacterial toxins on the dental pulp. Specifically, Leeuwenhoek attributed tooth pain to pulpal inflammation however, he did not correctly discuss its etiology. 6 While his work did not completely invalidate the “tooth-worm” theory, it definitely did much to lessen its acceptance. 8Ī few decades later, in 1700, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the “father of modern microscopy,” worked with worm-infested cheese in response to receiving worms from the president of the Royal Society of London, the most august scientific body of its day. 8 The driving out of these worms was thought to cause a cessation of tooth pain. 6 Yet another physician claimed to place rancid oil into a cavity, which enabled him to drive out worms that were an inch and a half in length. Professor Jacobaens of the University of Copenhagen reported that after he scraped about in a carious tooth, he saw a worm come out, which he put in water and watched as it swam about. The plant from which these seeds are taken also has narcotic properties that relieved the tooth pain. 6 Another common method was to heat henbane seeds with charcoal and have the individual with the tooth of concern inhale the fumes. 4 One method of driving the worm from within its hiding place in the hollow tooth was to tempt it with honey smeared on the outside of the tooth this would cause the worm to emerge to eat the honey, at which time it could be plucked from the mouth. 6 Specifically, the theory claimed that a tooth worm resided in the hollow portion of a tooth, where it would cause a toothache by gnawing at the structure of the tooth. This theory dates back to the Babylonian times 4, yet this belief in worms as the causative agent of dental caries continued through the late Renaissance. One of the original theories for the cause of tooth pain was the “tooth-worm” theory. 4 In his book, he discussed procedures for transplantation of teeth, “taking out the rotten teeth or stumps and putting in their places some sound ones drawn immediately out of some poor body’s head.” 5 In 1687, Charles Allen wrote the first book written in English devoted exclusively to dentistry. 3 This is thought to have been the main method for the treatment of infected root canals, with the exception of extraction, until around the 1600s. A few hundred years later, archaeological findings revealed that root canal infections were drained as a method of relieving pain. 2 The Romans were also assumed to have invented crowns and dentures. when archaeologists discovered a human skull in the northern Negev Israeli desert containing a tooth that had a 2.5 mm bronze wire in it, which was believed to have been used by the Romans as a treatment for infected teeth.

The first evidence of treatment “within a tooth” dates back to around 200 B.C. 1 In 1928, his practice was the first practice to be “limited to endodontics”. The word “endodontics” itself comes from the Greek prefix “endo,” meaning “within,” and “odont,” meaning “tooth. Gutmann and others agree that there is truly no way to ascertain with complete accuracy how long endodontic treatment has been around. Gutmann to be extremely educational, and it is our opinion that he is the most thorough endodontic historian of our time.ĭr. The simple fact is that in doing our research for this brief synopsis of endodontic history, we found the writings and presentations of Dr. We must start this article by giving the utmost respect and credit to Dr. Gettleman, DDS, MS Moein Sadrkhani, DDS, MSc and Laurence D.